Chapter 27 Check Point Questions
Section 27.2
What is a hash function? What is a perfect hash function?
What is a collision?
Section 27.3
What is a hash code? What is the hash code for Byte, Short, Integer, and Character?
How is the hash code for a Float object computed?
How is the hash code for a Long object computed?
How is the hash code for a Double object computed?
How is the hash code for a String object computed?
How is a hash code compressed to an integer representing the index in a hash table?
If N is a value of the power of 2, is N / 2 same as N >> 1?
If N is a value of the power of 2, is m % N same as m & (N - 1) for any integer m?
What is new Integer("-98").hashCode() and
what is "ABCDEFGHIJK".hashCode()?
Section 27.4
What is open addressing? What is linear probing? What is quadratic probing? What is double hashing?
Describe the clustering problem for linear probing.
What is secondary clustering?
Show the hash table of size 11 after inserting entries with keys
34, 29, 53, 44, 120, 39, 45, and 40, using linear probing.
Show the hash table of size 11 after inserting entries with keys 34, 29, 53,
44, 120, 39, 45, and 40, using quadratic probing.
Show the hash table of size 11 after inserting entries with keys 34, 29, 53, 44, 120, 39, 45, and 40, using double hashing with the following functions:
h(k) = k % 11; h'(k) = 7 - k % 7;
Section 27.5
Show the hash table of size 11 after inserting entries with the
keys 34, 29, 53, 44, 120, 39, 45, and 40, using separate chaining.
Section 27.6
What is load factor? Assume the hash table has the initial size 4
and its load factor is 0.5; show the hash table after inserting entries
with the keys 34, 29, 53, 44, 120, 39, 45, and 40, using linear probing.
Assume the hash table has the initial size 4 and its load factor is 0.5; show the hash table after inserting entries with the keys 34, 29, 53, 44, 120, 39, 45, and 40, using quadratic probing.
Assume the hash table has the initial size 4 and its load factor is 0.5; show the hash table after inserting entries with the keys 34, 29, 53, 44, 120, 39, 45, and 40, using separate chaining.
Section 27.7
What is 1 << 30 in line 8 in Listing 27.2? What are the integers resulted from 1 << 1, 1 << 2, and 1 << 3?
What are the integers resulted from 32 >> 1, 32 >> 2, 32 >> 3, and 32 >> 4?
In Listing 27.2, will the program work if LinkedList is replaced by ArrayList? In Listing 27.2, how do you replace the code in lines 56-59 using one line of code?
Describe how the put(key, value) method is implemented in the MyHashMap class.
In Listing 27.2, the supplementalHash method is declared static, can the hash method be declared static?
Show the output of the following code.
MyMap<String, String> map = new MyHashMap<>(); map.put("Texas", "Dallas"); map.put("Oklahoma", "Norman"); map.put("Texas", "Austin"); map.put("Oklahoma", "Tulsa"); System.out.println(map.get("Texas")); System.out.println(map.size());
If x is a negative int value, will x & (capacity - 1) be negative?
Section 27.8
Why can you use a foreach loop to traverse the elements in a set?
Describe how the add(e) method is implemented in the MyHashSet class.
Can lines 100-103 in Listing 27.4 be removed?
Implement the remove() method in lines 150-152?