Chapter 29 Check Point Questions
Section 29.2
For the code WeightedEdge edge = new WeightedEdge(1, 2, 3.5), what is edge.u, edge.v, and edge.weight?
What is the output of the following code?
List<WeightedEdge> list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add(new WeightedEdge(1, 2, 3.5)); list.add(new WeightedEdge(2, 3, 4.5)); WeightedEdge e = java.util.Collections.max(list); System.out.println(e.u); System.out.println(e.v); System.out.println(e.weight);
Section 29.3
If a priority queue is used to store weighted edges, what is the output of the following code?
PriorityQueue<WeightedEdge> q = new PriorityQueue<>(); q.offer(new WeightedEdge(1, 2, 3.5)); q.offer(new WeightedEdge(1, 6, 6.5)); q.offer(new WeightedEdge(1, 7, 1.5)); System.out.println(q.poll().weight); System.out.println(q.poll().weight); System.out.println(q.poll().weight);
If a priority queue is used to store weighted edges, what is wrong in the following code? Fix it and show the output.
List<PriorityQueue<WeightedEdge>> queues = new ArrayList<>(); queues.get(0).offer(new WeightedEdge(0, 2, 3.5)); queues.get(0).offer(new WeightedEdge(0, 6, 6.5)); queues.get(0).offer(new WeightedEdge(0, 7, 1.5)); queues.get(1).offer(new WeightedEdge(1, 0, 3.5)); queues.get(1).offer(new WeightedEdge(1, 5, 8.5)); queues.get(1).offer(new WeightedEdge(1, 8, 19.5)); System.out.println(queues.get(0).peek() .compareTo(queues.get(1).peek()));
Show the output of the following code.
public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { WeightedGraph<Character> graph = new WeightedGraph<>(); graph.addVertex('U'); graph.addVertex('V'); int indexForU = graph.getIndex('U'); int indexForV = graph.getIndex('V'); System.out.println("indexForU is " + indexForU); System.out.println("indexForV is " + indexForV); graph.addEdge(indexForU, indexForV, 2.5); System.out.println("Degree of U is " + graph.getDegree(indexForU)); System.out.println("Degree of V is " + graph.getDegree(indexForV)); System.out.println("Weight of UV is " + graph.getWeight(indexForU, indexForV)); } }
Section 29.4
Find a minimum spanning tree for the following graph.

Is a minimum spanning tree unique if all edges have different weights?
If you use an adjacency matrix to represent weighted edges, what will be the time complexity for Prim's algorithm?
What happens to the getMinimumSpanningTree() method in WeightedGraph
if the graph is not connected? Verify your answer by writing a test program
that creates an unconnected graph and invokes the getMinimumSpanningTree() method.
Show the output of the following code:
public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { WeightedGraph<Character> graph = new WeightedGraph<>(); graph.addVertex('U'); graph.addVertex('V'); graph.addVertex('X'); int indexForU = graph.getIndex('U'); int indexForV = graph.getIndex('V'); int indexForX = graph.getIndex('X'); System.out.println("indexForU is " + indexForU); System.out.println("indexForV is " + indexForV); System.out.println("indexForX is " + indexForV); graph.addEdge(indexForU, indexForV, 3.5); graph.addEdge(indexForV, indexForU, 3.5); graph.addEdge(indexForU, indexForX, 2.1); graph.addEdge(indexForX, indexForU, 2.1); graph.addEdge(indexForV, indexForX, 3.1); graph.addEdge(indexForX, indexForV, 3.1); WeightedGraph<Character>.MST mst = graph.getMinimumSpanningTree(); graph.printWeightedEdges(); System.out.println(mst.getTotalWeight()); mst.printTree(); } }
Section 29.5
Trace Dijkstra's algorithm for finding shortest paths from Boston to all other cities in Figure 29.1.
Is a shortest path between two vertices unique if all edges have different weights?
If you use an adjacency matrix to represent weighted edges, what would be the time complexity for Dijkstra's algorithm?
What happens to the getShortestPath() method in WeightedGraph
if the source vertex cannot reach all vertieces in the graph?
Verify your answer by writing a test program that creates an
unconnected graph and invoke the getShortestPath() method.
If there is no path from vertex v to the source vertex, what will be cost[v]?
Assume that the graph is connected; will the getShortestPath method find the shortest paths correctly if lines 159-161 in WeightedGraph are deleted?
Show the output of the following code:
public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { WeightedGraph<Character> graph = new WeightedGraph<>(); graph.addVertex('U'); graph.addVertex('V'); graph.addVertex('X'); int indexForU = graph.getIndex('U'); int indexForV = graph.getIndex('V'); int indexForX = graph.getIndex('X'); System.out.println("indexForU is " + indexForU); System.out.println("indexForV is " + indexForV); System.out.println("indexForX is " + indexForV); graph.addEdge(indexForU, indexForV, 3.5); graph.addEdge(indexForV, indexForU, 3.5); graph.addEdge(indexForU, indexForX, 2.1); graph.addEdge(indexForX, indexForU, 2.1); graph.addEdge(indexForV, indexForX, 3.1); graph.addEdge(indexForX, indexForV, 3.1); WeightedGraph<Character>.ShortestPathTree tree = graph.getShortestPath(1); graph.printWeightedEdges(); tree.printTree(); } }
Section 29.6
Why is the tree data field in NineTailModel in Listing 28.13 defined protected?
How are the nodes created for the graph in WeightedNineTailModel?
How are the edges created for the graph in WeightedNineTailModel?