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Chapter 31 Check Point Questions

Section 31.2
How do you load a style sheet to a Scene or a Parent? Can you load multiple style sheets?
If a style sheet is loaded from a node, can the pane and all its containing nodes access the style sheet?
Can a node add multiple style classes? Can a node set multiple style ids?
If the same property is defined in both a style class and a style id and applied to a node, which one has the precedence?
Section 31.3
Create a QuadCurve with starting point (100, 75.5), control point (40, 55.5), and end point (56, 80). Set its fill property to white and stroke to green.
Create CubicCurve object with starting point (100, 75.5), control point 1 (40, 55.5), control point 2 (78.5, 25.5), and end point (56, 80). Set its fill property to white and stroke to green.
Does a path have a default initial position? How do you set a position for a path?
How do you close a path?
How do you display a filled path?
Section 31.4
Can you perform a coordinate transformation on any node? Does a coordinate transformation change the contents of a Shape object?
Does the method setTranslateX(6) move the node's x-coordinate to 6? Does the method setTranslateX(6) move the node's x-coordinate 6 pixel right from its current location?
Does the method rotate(Math.PI / 2) rotate a node 90 degrees? Does the method rotate(90) rotate a node 90 degrees?
How is the pivot point determined for performing a rotation?
What method do you use to scale a node two times on its x-axis?
Section 31.5
Are the methods for setting a stroke and its attributes defined in the Node or Shape class?
How do you set a stroke width to 3 pixels?
What are the stroke types? What is the default stroke type? How do you set a stroke type?
What are the stroke line join types? What is the default stroke line join type? How do you set a stroke line join type?
What are the stroke cap types? What is the default stroke cap type? How do you set a stroke cap type?
How do you specify a dashed pattern for strokes?
Section 31.6
How do you create a menu bar, menu, menu item, check menu item, and radio menu item?
How do you place a menu into a menu bar? How do you place a menu item, check menu item, and radio menu item into a menu?
Can you place a menu item into another menu item or a check menu or a radio menu item into a menu item?
How do you associate an image with a menu, menu item, check menu item, and radio menu item?
How do you associate an accelerator CTRL+O with a menu item, check menu item, and radio menu item?
Section 31.7
How do you create a context menu? How do you add menu items, check menu items, and radio menu items into a context menu?
How do you show a context menu?
Section 31.8
How do you create a horizontal SplitPane? How do you create a vertical SplitPane?
How do you add items into a SplitPane? Can an item added to a SplitPane to another SplitPane?
Section 31.9
How do you create a tab pane? How do you create a tab? How do you add a tab to a tab pane?
How do you place the tabs on the left of the tab pane?
Can a tab have a text as well as an image? Write the code to set an image for tab1 in Listing 34.13.
Section 31.10
How do you create a table view? How do you create a table column? How do you add a table column to a table view?
What is the data type for a TableView's data model? How do you associate a data model with a TableView?
How do you set a cell value factory for a TableColumn?
How do you set an image in a table column header?