Due to the print book page limit, we cannot inlcude all good CheckPoint questions in the physical book. The CheckPoint on this Website may contain extra questions not printed in the book. The questions in some sections may have been reordered as a result. Nevertheless, it is easy to find the CheckPoint questions in the book on this Website. Please send suggestions and errata to Dr. Liang at y.daniel.liang@gmail.com. Indicate the book, edition, and question number in your email. Thanks!

Chapter 33 Check Point Questions

Section 33.2
How do you create a server socket? What port numbers can be used? What happens if a requested port number is already in use? Can a port connect to multiple clients?
What are the differences between a server socket and a client socket?
How does a client program initiate a connection?
How does a server accept a connection?
How are data transferred between a client and a server?
Section 33.3
How do you obtain an instance of InetAddress?
What methods can you use to get the IP address and hostname from an InetAddress?
Section 33.4
How do you make a server serve multiple clients?
Section 33.5
How does a server receive connection from a client? How does a client connect to a server?
How do you find the host name of a client program from the server?
How do you send and receive an object?
Section 33.6
What would happen if the preferred size for a cell is not set in line 227 in Listing 33.10?
If a player does not have the turn but clicks on an empty cell, what will the client program in Listing 33.10 do?