Chapter 36 Check Point Questions
Section 36.2
How does Java support international characters in languages like Chinese and Arabic?
How do you construct a Locale object? How do you get all the available locales from a Calendar object?
How do you create a locale for the French-speaking region of Canada? How do you create a locale for the Netherlands?
Section 36.3
How do you set the time zone "PST" for a Calendar object?
How do you display current date and time in German?
How do you use the SimpleDateFormat class to display date and time using the pattern "yyyy.MM.dd hh:mm:ss"?
In line 66 of, Arrays.sort(availableTimeZones) is used to sort the available time zones. What happens if you attempt to sort the available locales using Arrays.sort(availableLocales)?
Section 36.4
Write the code to format number 12345.678 in the United Kingdom locale. Keep two digits after the decimal point.
Write the code to format number 12345.678 in U.S. currency.
Write the code to format number 0.345678 as percentage with at least three digits after the decimal point.
Write the code to parse 3,456.78 into a number.
Write the code that uses the DecimalFormat class to format number 12345.678 using the pattern "0.0000#".
Section 36.5
How does the getBundle method locate a resource bundle?
How does the getObject method locate a resource?
Section 36.6
How do you specify an encoding scheme for a text file?
What would happen if you wrote a Unicode character to an ASCII text file?
How do you find the default encoding name on your system?