Chapter 39 Check Point Questions
Section 39.2
What is JSF?
How do you create a JSF project in NetBeans?
How do you create a JSF page in a JSF project?
What is a facelet?
What is the file extension name for a facelet?
What is a managed bean?
What is the @Named annotation for?
What is the @RequestScope annotation for?
Section 39.3
What is the name space for JSF tags with prefix h and prefix f?
Describe the use of the following tags?
h:form, h:panelGroup, h:panelGrid, h:inputText, h:outputText, h:inputTextArea, h:inputSecret, h:outputLabel, h:outputLink, h:selectOneMenu, h:selectOneRadio, h:selectBooleanCheckbox, h:selectOneListbox, h:selectManyListbox, h:selectItem, h:message, h:dataTable, h:columm, h:graphicImage
h:form, h:panelGroup, h:panelGrid, h:inputText, h:outputText, h:inputTextArea, h:inputSecret, h:outputLabel, h:outputLink, h:selectOneMenu, h:selectOneRadio, h:selectBooleanCheckbox, h:selectOneListbox, h:selectManyListbox, h:selectItem, h:message, h:dataTable, h:columm, h:graphicImage
Section 39.4
In the h:outputText tag, what is the escape attribute for?
Does every GUI component tag in JSF have the style attribute?
Section 39.6
What is a scope? What are the available scopes in JSF? Explain request scope, view scope, session scope, and application scope. How do you set a request scope, view scope, session scope, and application scope in a managed bean?
What happens if the bean scope in Listing 33.9 is changed to request?
What happens if the bean scope in Listing 33.9 is changed to session?
What happens if the bean scope in Listing 33.9 is changed to application?
Section 39.7
Write a tag that validates an input text with minimal length of 2 and maximum 12.
Write a tag that validates an input text for SSN using a regular expression.
Write a tag that validates an input text for a double value with minimal 4.5 and maximum 19.9.
Write a tag that validates an input text for an integer value with minimal 4 and maximum 20.
Write a tag that makes an input text required.