Due to the print book page limit, we cannot inlcude all good CheckPoint questions in the physical book. The CheckPoint on this Website may contain extra questions not printed in the book. The questions in some sections may have been reordered as a result. Nevertheless, it is easy to find the CheckPoint questions in the book on this Website. Please send suggestions and errata to Dr. Liang at y.daniel.liang@gmail.com. Indicate the book, edition, and question number in your email. Thanks!

Chapter 40 Check Point Questions

Section 40.3
How do you define an interface for a remote object?
Describe the roles of the stub and the skeleton.
What is java.rmi.Remote? How do you define a server class?
What is an RMI registry for? How do you create an RMI registry?
What is the command to start an RMI Registry?
How do you register a remote object with the RMI registry?
What is the command to start a custom RMI server?
How does a client locate a remote object stub through an RMI registry?
How do you obtain a registry? How do you register a remote object? How do you locate remote object?
Section 40.4
What are the advantages of RMI over socket-level programming?
Section 40.5
Describe how parameters are passed in RMI.
Section 40.6
What is the problem if the connect method in the TicTacToeInterface is defined as
public boolean connect(CallBack client, char token) 
  throws RemoteException;
or as
public boolean connect(CallBack client, Character token) 
  throws RemoteException;
What is callback? How does callback work in RMI?