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Chapter 41 Check Point Questions

Section 41.1
What is a Web service?
Can you invoke a Web service from a language other than Java?
Do Web services support callback? That is, can a Web service call a method from a client's program?
What is SOAP? What is it to publish a Web service? What is it to consume a Web service? What is the role of a proxy object?
Section 41.5
What is the annotation to specify a Web service? What is the annotation to specify a Web method?
How do you deploy a Web service in NetBeans?
Can you test a Web service from a client?
How do you create a Web service reference for a client?
What is WSDL? What is SOAP? What is a SOAP request? What is a SOAP response?
Can you pass primitive type arguments to a remote method? Can you pass any object type to a remote method? Can you pass an argument of a custom type to a remote method?
How do you obtain an HttpSession object for tracking a Web session?
Can you create two Web service references in one package in the same project in NetBeans?
What happens if you don't clone the quiz in lines 40-41 in Listing 39.5, QuizService.java?