import java.util.Collection;

public interface MyList<E> extends Collection<E> {
  /** Add a new element at the specified index in this list */
  public void add(int index, E e);

  /** Return the element from this list at the specified index */
  public E get(int index);

  /** Return the index of the first matching element in this list.
   *  Return -1 if no match. */
  public int indexOf(Object e);

  /** Return the index of the last matching element in this list
   *  Return -1 if no match. */
  public int lastIndexOf(E e);

  /** Remove the element at the specified position in this list
   *  Shift any subsequent elements to the left.
   *  Return the element that was removed from the list. */
  public E remove(int index);

  /** Replace the element at the specified position in this list
   *  with the specified element and returns the new set. */
  public E set(int index, E e);
  @Override /** Add a new element at the end of this list */
  public default boolean add(E e) {
    add(size(), e);
    return true;

  @Override /** Return true if this list contains no elements */
  public default boolean isEmpty() {
    return size() == 0;

  @Override /** Remove the first occurrence of the element e 
   *  from this list. Shift any subsequent elements to the left.
   *  Return true if the element is removed. */
  public default boolean remove(Object e) {
    if (indexOf(e) >= 0) {
      return true;
      return false;

  public default boolean containsAll(Collection<?> c) {
    // Left as an exercise
    return true;

  public default boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c) {
    // Left as an exercise
    return true;

  public default boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c) {
    // Left as an exercise
    return true;

  public default boolean retainAll(Collection<?> c) {
    // Left as an exercise
    return true;

  public default Object[] toArray() {
    // Left as an exercise
    return null;

  public default <T> T[] toArray(T[] array) {
    // Left as an exercise
    return null;