Lecture Videos
import java.io.*;

public class TestRandomAccessFile {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    try ( // Create a random access file
      RandomAccessFile inout = new RandomAccessFile("inout.dat", "rw");
    ) {
      // Clear the file to destroy the old contents if exists
      // Write new integers to the file
      for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
      // Display the current length of the file
      System.out.println("Current file length is " + inout.length());
      // Retrieve the first number
      inout.seek(0); // Move the file pointer to the beginning
      System.out.println("The first number is " + inout.readInt());
      // Retrieve the second number
      inout.seek(1 * 4); // Move the file pointer to the second number
      System.out.println("The second number is " + inout.readInt());
      // Retrieve the tenth number
      inout.seek(9 * 4); // Move the file pointer to the tenth number
      System.out.println("The tenth number is " + inout.readInt());
      // Modify the eleventh number
      // Append a new number
      inout.seek(inout.length()); // Move the file pointer to the end
      // Display the new length
      System.out.println("The new length is " + inout.length());
      // Retrieve the new eleventh number
      inout.seek(10 * 4); // Move the file pointer to the eleventh number
      System.out.println("The eleventh number is " + inout.readInt());