import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Tree24<E extends Comparable<E>> implements Tree<E> {
  private Tree24Node<E> root;
  private int size;
  /** Create a default 2-4 tree */
  public Tree24() {

  /** Create a 2-4 tree from an array of objects */
  public Tree24(E[] elements) {
    for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++)

  @Override /** Search an element in the tree */
  public boolean search(E e) {
    Tree24Node<E> current = root; // Start from the root

    while (current != null) {
      if (matched(e, current)) { // Element is in the node
        return true; // Element found
      else {
        current = getChildNode(e, current); // Search in a subtree

    return false; // Element is not in the tree

  /** Return true if the element is found in this node */
  private boolean matched(E e, Tree24Node<E> node) {
    for (int i = 0; i < node.elements.size(); i++)
      if (node.elements.get(i).equals(e))
        return true; // Element found

    return false; // No match in this node

  /** Locate a child node to search element e */
  private Tree24Node<E> getChildNode(E e, Tree24Node<E> node) {
    if (node.child.size() == 0)
      return null; // node is a leaf

    int i = locate(e, node); // Locate the insertion point for e
    return node.child.get(i); // Return the child node

  @Override /** Insert element e into the tree
   *  Return true if the element is inserted successfully
  public boolean insert(E e) {
    if (root == null)
      root = new Tree24Node<E>(e); // Create a new root for element
    else {
      // Locate the leaf node for inserting e
      Tree24Node<E> leafNode = null;
      Tree24Node<E> current = root;
      while (current != null)
        if (matched(e, current)) {
          return false; // Duplicate element found, nothing inserted
        else {
          leafNode = current;
          current = getChildNode(e, current);

      // Insert the element e into the leaf node
      insert(e, null, leafNode); // The right child of e is null

    size++; // Increase size
    return true; // Element inserted

  /** Insert element e into node u */
  private void insert(E e, Tree24Node<E> rightChildOfe,
      Tree24Node<E> u) {
    // Get the search path that leads to element e
    ArrayList<Tree24Node<E>> path = path(e);

    for (int i = path.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      if (u.elements.size() < 3) { // u is a 2-node or 3-node
        insert23(e, rightChildOfe, u); // Insert e to node u
        break; // No further insertion to u's parent needed
      else {
        Tree24Node<E> v = new Tree24Node<E>(); // Create a new node
        E median = split(e, rightChildOfe, u, v); // Split u

        if (u == root) {
          root = new Tree24Node<E>(median); // New root
          root.child.add(u); // u is the left child of median
          root.child.add(v); // v is the right child of median
          break; // No further insertion to u's parent needed
        else {
          // Use new values for the next iteration in the for loop
          e = median; // Element to be inserted to parent
          rightChildOfe = v; // Right child of the element
          u = path.get(i - 1); // New node to insert element

  /** Insert element to a 2- or 3- and return the insertion point */
  private void insert23(E e, Tree24Node<E> rightChildOfe,
      Tree24Node<E> node) {
    int i = this.locate(e, node); // Locate where to insert
    node.elements.add(i, e); // Insert the element into the node
    if (rightChildOfe != null)
      node.child.add(i + 1, rightChildOfe); // Insert the child link

  /** Split a 4-node u into u and v and insert e to u or v */
  private E split(E e, Tree24Node<E> rightChildOfe,
      Tree24Node<E> u, Tree24Node<E> v) {
    // Move the last element in node u to node v
    E median = u.elements.remove(1);

    // Split children for a non-leaf node
    // Move the last two children in node u to node v
    if (u.child.size() > 0) {

    // Insert e into a 2- or 3- node u or v.
    if (e.compareTo(median) < 0)
      insert23(e, rightChildOfe, u);
      insert23(e, rightChildOfe, v);

    return median; // Return the median element

  /** Return a search path that leads to element e */
  private ArrayList<Tree24Node<E>> path(E e) {
    ArrayList<Tree24Node<E>> list = new ArrayList<Tree24Node<E>>();
    Tree24Node<E> current = root; // Start from the root

    while (current != null) {
      list.add(current); // Add the node to the list
      if (matched(e, current)) {
        break; // Element found
      else {
        current = getChildNode(e, current);

    return list; // Return an array of nodes

  @Override /** Delete the specified element from the tree */
  public boolean delete(E e) {
    // Locate the node that contains the element e
    Tree24Node<E> node = root;
    while (node != null)
      if (matched(e, node)) {
        delete(e, node); // Delete element e from node
        size--; // After one element deleted
        return true; // Element deleted successfully
      else {
        node = getChildNode(e, node); 

    return false; // Element not in the tree

  /** Delete the specified element from the node */
  private void delete(E e, Tree24Node<E> node) {
    if (node.child.size() == 0) { // e is in a leaf node
      // Get the path that leads to e from the root
      ArrayList<Tree24Node<E>> path = path(e);

      node.elements.remove(e); // Remove element e

      if (node == root) { // Special case
        if (node.elements.size() == 0) 
          root = null; // Empty tree
        return; // Done

      validate(e, node, path); // Check underflow node
    else { // e is in an internal node
      // Locate the rightmost node in the left subtree of the node 
      int index = locate(e, node); // Index of e in node
      Tree24Node<E> current = node.child.get(index);
      while (current.child.size() > 0) {
        current = current.child.get(current.child.size() - 1);
      E rightmostElement =
        current.elements.get(current.elements.size() - 1);
      // Get the path that leads to e from the root
      ArrayList<Tree24Node<E>> path = path(rightmostElement);

      // Replace the deleted element with the rightmost element
      node.elements.set(index, current.elements.remove(
        current.elements.size() - 1));

      validate(rightmostElement, current, path); // Check underflow

  /** Perform transfer and confusion operations if necessary */
  private void validate(E e, Tree24Node<E> u,
      ArrayList<Tree24Node<E>> path) {
    for (int i = path.size() - 1; u.elements.size() == 0; i--) {
      Tree24Node<E> parentOfu = path.get(i - 1); // Get parent of u
      int k = locate(e, parentOfu); // Index of e in the parent node

      // Check two siblings
      if (k > 0 && parentOfu.child.get(k - 1).elements.size() > 1) {
        leftSiblingTransfer(k, u, parentOfu);
      else if (k + 1 < parentOfu.child.size() &&
          parentOfu.child.get(k + 1).elements.size() > 1) {          
        rightSiblingTransfer(k, u, parentOfu);
      else if (k - 1 >= 0) { // Fusion with a left sibling
        // Get left sibling of node u 
        Tree24Node<E> leftNode = parentOfu.child.get(k - 1);
        // Perform a fusion with left sibling on node u
        leftSiblingFusion(k, leftNode, u, parentOfu);  

        // Done when root becomes empty
        if (parentOfu == root && parentOfu.elements.size() == 0) {
          root = leftNode;

        u = parentOfu; // Back to the loop to check the parent node
      else { // Fusion with right sibling (right sibling must exist)
        // Get left sibling of node u 
        Tree24Node<E> rightNode = parentOfu.child.get(k + 1);

        // Perform a fusion with right sibling on node u
        rightSiblingFusion(k, rightNode, u, parentOfu);  

        // Done when root becomes empty
        if (parentOfu == root && parentOfu.elements.size() == 0) {
          root = rightNode;

        u = parentOfu; // Back to the loop to check the parent node

  /** Locate the insertion point of the element in the node */
  private int locate(E o, Tree24Node<E> node) {
    for (int i = 0; i < node.elements.size(); i++) {
      if (o.compareTo(node.elements.get(i)) <= 0) {
        return i;

    return node.elements.size();

  /** Perform a transfer with a left sibling */
  private void leftSiblingTransfer(int k, 
      Tree24Node<E> u, Tree24Node<E> parentOfu) {
    // Move an element from the parent to u
    u.elements.add(0, parentOfu.elements.get(k - 1));
    // Move an element from the left node to the parent
    Tree24Node<E> leftNode = parentOfu.child.get(k - 1);
    parentOfu.elements.set(k - 1,
      leftNode.elements.remove(leftNode.elements.size() - 1));

    // Move the child link from left sibling to the node
    if (leftNode.child.size() > 0)
      u.child.add(0, leftNode.child.remove(
        leftNode.child.size() - 1));

  /** Perform a transfer with a right sibling */
  private void rightSiblingTransfer(int k, 
      Tree24Node<E> u, Tree24Node<E> parentOfu) {
    // Transfer an element from the parent to u
    // Transfer an element from the right node to the parent
    Tree24Node<E> rightNode = parentOfu.child.get(k + 1);
    parentOfu.elements.set(k, rightNode.elements.remove(0));

    // Move the child link from right sibling to the node
    if (rightNode.child.size() > 0)

  /** Perform a fusion with a left sibling */
  private void leftSiblingFusion(int k, Tree24Node<E> leftNode,
      Tree24Node<E> u, Tree24Node<E> parentOfu) {
    // Transfer an element from the parent to the left sibling    
    leftNode.elements.add(parentOfu.elements.remove(k - 1));

    // Remove the link to the empty node

    // Adjust child links for non-leaf node
    if (u.child.size() > 0)
  /** Perform a fusion with a right sibling */
  private void rightSiblingFusion(int k, Tree24Node<E> rightNode,
      Tree24Node<E> u, Tree24Node<E> parentOfu) {
    // Transfer an element from the parent to the right sibling
    rightNode.elements.add(0, parentOfu.elements.remove(k));

    // Remove the link to the empty node

    // Adjust child links for non-leaf node
    if (u.child.size() > 0)
      rightNode.child.add(0, u.child.remove(0));

  @Override /** Get the number of nodes in the tree */
  public int getSize() {
    return size;

  @Override /** Preorder traversal from the root */
  public void preorder() {

  /** Preorder traversal from a subtree */
  private void preorder(Tree24Node<E> root) {
    if (root == null)return;
    for (int i = 0; i < root.elements.size(); i++)
      System.out.print(root.elements.get(i) + " ");

    for (int i = 0; i < root.child.size(); i++)

  @Override /** Inorder traversal from the root*/
  public void inorder() {
    // Left as exercise

  /** Postorder traversal from the root */
  public void postorder() {
    // Left as exercise

  @Override /** Return true if the tree is empty */
  public boolean isEmpty() {
    return root == null;
  @Override /** Remove all elements from the tree */
  public void clear() {
    root = null;
    size = 0;
  @Override /** Return an iterator to traverse elements in the tree */
  public java.util.Iterator<E> iterator() {
    // Left as exercise
    return null;
  /** Define a 2-4 tree node */
  protected static class Tree24Node<E extends Comparable<E>> {
    // elements has maximum three values
    ArrayList<E> elements = new ArrayList<E>(3);
    // Each has maximum four childres
    ArrayList<Tree24Node<E>> child 
      = new ArrayList<Tree24Node<E>>(4);

    /** Create an empty Tree24 node */
    Tree24Node() {

    /** Create a Tree24 node with an initial element */
    Tree24Node(E o) {