#include <iostream>
#include "CourseWithEqualsOperatorOverloaded.h"
using namespace std;

Course::Course(const string &courseName, int capacity)
  numberOfStudents = 0;
  this->courseName = courseName;
  this->capacity = capacity;
  students = new string[capacity];

  delete [] students;

string Course::getCourseName() const
  return courseName;

void Course::addStudent(const string &name)
  if (numberOfStudents >= capacity)
    cout << "The maximum size of array exceeded" << endl;
    cout << "Program terminates now" << endl;

  students[numberOfStudents] = name;

void Course::dropStudent(const string &name)
  // Left as an exercise

string* Course::getStudents() const
  return students;

int Course::getNumberOfStudents() const
  return numberOfStudents;

Course::Course(Course& course) // Copy constructor
  courseName = course.courseName;
  numberOfStudents = course.numberOfStudents;
  capacity = course.capacity;
  students = new string[capacity];

const Course& Course::operator=(const Course& course)
  if (this != &course) // Do nothing with self-assignment
    courseName = course.courseName;
    numberOfStudents = course.numberOfStudents;
    capacity = course.capacity;

    delete [] this->students; // Delete the old array

    // Create a new array with the same capacity as course copied
    students = new string[capacity]; 
    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfStudents; i++)
      students[i] = course.students[i];

  return *this;