#ifndef TREE_H
#define TREE_H

#include <vector>
using namespace std;

class Tree
  // Construct an empty tree 

  // Construct a tree with root, parent, and searchOrder 
  Tree(int root, vector<int>& parent, vector<int>& searchOrders)
    this->root = root;
    this->parent = parent;
    this->searchOrders = searchOrders;

  // Return the root of the tree 
  int getRoot() const
    return root;

  // Return the parent of vertex v 
  int getParent(int v) const
    return parent[v];

  // Return search order 
  vector<int> getSearchOrders() const
    return searchOrders;

  // Return number of vertices found 
  int getNumberOfVerticesFound() const
    return searchOrders.size();

  // Return the path of vertices from v to the root in a vector 
  vector<int> getPath(int v) const
    vector<int> path;

      v = parent[v];
    while (v != -1);

    return path;

  // Print the whole tree 
  void printTree() const
    cout << "Root is: " << root << endl;
    cout << "Edges: ";
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < searchOrders.size(); i++) 
      if (parent[searchOrders[i]] != -1) 
        // Display an edge
        cout << "(" << parent[searchOrders[i]] << ", " <<
          searchOrders[i] << ") ";
    cout << endl;

  int root; // The root of the tree
  vector<int> parent; // Store the parent of each vertex
  vector<int> searchOrders; // Store the search order