First Printing Errata (March 7, 2017)

Preface x

Five lines under the Acknowledgments, change "Colorado Spring" to "Colorado Springs".

Chapter 4

Page 128, line 5, change "'a' > 'A'" to "'a' < 'A'".

Chapter 6

Page 213, in 6.4.10, change next-line to end-of-line.

Chapter 9

Page 345, Figure 9.14, the 7th line of code in the 2nd code frame, change o.z to c1.z.

Chapter 11

Page 415, line -14, change "lines 1 and 2)" to "line 1".

Page 416, three lines before Listing 11.3, change "lines 1 and 2)" to "line 1".

Page 425, in the sample run box for Listing 11.5, change "white" to "red".

Page 425, four lines after the sample run box for Listing 11.5, change "false" to "true".

Page 427, in the CheckPoint 11.8.1, delete "What is polymorphism?".

Page 430, change myObjet to myObject in line 8.

Chapter 12

Page 476, in CheckPoint 12.9.2, change inValidRadiusException to invalidRadiusException to .

Page 490, in CheckPoint 12.13.2, change 20-29 to 17-29.

Chapter 13

Page 503, in the output box, change 13.0 to 15.0.

Chapter 20

Page 790, Just before Check Point questions, change reverse() tp reversed().

Chapter 22

In Section 22.7 (lines -12, -11, -5 on page 855, line -15, -9 on page 866, line 5 on page 859) change "is divisible by" to "divides".

Chapter 23

In line 2 on page 882, delete "as a candidte".

Chapter 25

Page 970, line 4 in Listing 25.6, change "return true" to "return false".

Chapter 27

Page 1027, in CheckPoint 27.7.5, change “Listing 27.5” to “Listing 27.2”.

Appendix H

Page 1171, Table H.1 has errors. Please see the correct version at





Sandi Snyder (Ozarks Technical Community College), James Chegwidden (Tarrant County College), Danijel Abramović (Siemens), Claudio Valderrama C. (SW developer, consultant), Bryan Cool (University of Missouri, St. Louis), Derek Snow (University of South Alabama), Andreas Jordan (Australia), John Logan (San Jose State University), Brad Shank (Indiana Tech), Jeremy Barksdale (NC A&T State University), Ralph Kelsey (Ohio University), John Towell (Carroll College), Vedat COSKUN (Turkey), Ray Toal (Loyola Marymount University), Ken Lodge (Charles Sturt University, Australia), Scott Nigel (California Lutheran University), Brandy DePhillip (Windsor Continental Corporation), John Collier, Wayo Puyati (UBU, Thailand), Elnur Abdurrakhimov (Russia), David Dorenbos (Software Engineering Research Center, IL), Trevor Bowen (Adtran Mixed Signal IC Tools and Methodology), Haining Chen (Bethel College), Lawrence Mao (University of Northern Florida), Michael J. Ondrasek (Wright State University), Michael Hamm (Armstrong student), Kevin Stolp (Orange County College), Paolo Galtieri, Ken Martin (University of Northern Florida), David Winfield, Jerry Keeney (University of Maryland), Jae Wook Shin, Charon Leith (St. Petersburg College, Florida), Jian Zhang (Texas Women's University), Jeremy Haberman, Kevin Eisinger, Dave Poplawski (Michigan Technological University), Ashwin Kansagra, MD, Sydney Wu, Erin Wenham (University of Southern Florida), Victor Shoup (NYU), Virgil Grogean (Wright State University), Dave Busse (Chattahoochee Tech), Henk Schotel (Netherlands), Trond Borgen Mork (Ericsson Norway), Thomas Warren (Emory University), Marsha Burger (NYU), John A. Feist, Fabian Contreras (New Jersey Institute of Technology), Vincent Le Corre (France), Kyle Walker, David Blech (NYCCT CUNY), Tely Diallo (NSF), Brian David Backstrom (Century College), Michael An, Patrick Wijntjes (The Netherlands), Stefan Andrei (Lamar University), Damien O'Brien (Australia), Chuck Burchard (PSU), Noemi Talamantes (U of Texas, Dallas), Eddie Gerlach, Jeremiah Oon (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), Christopher Gooley (Northern Virginia Community College), Georgios Christodoulakis, Matthew Stone, Amanda Rollason (Kennesaw State University), Thomas R. Cooke (University of Maryland), GAO SHI (HKUST), Mark Lewton, Rahul Nilange, Michael P. Rogers (Northwest Missouri State), Zachary Farnsworth (University of Maryland), Jun Ni (University of Iowa), Peter Nguyen, Yi Lou (Lehigh University), Dhruv khanna (Southern University), Marijan Hoborka, Janna Heidelberg (Armstrong student), Benjamin Chopson (Armstrong student), Imed Mehdaoui (Netherlands), George Lazik (Cal State Northridge), Andrii Petrychak (Fjordane University College, Norway), Dani Speh (JKU Linz, Austria), Jharyd Marhkain (Australia), Dave Slate (U. of Illinois), Michael Bernard (Armstrong State University), İsmail Burak YAVRU (Anadolu University, Turkey), Ozan Demirhan (Italy), Devlin J. Hyna (Northeastern Illinois University), Sharon Harvey (Normandale Community College), Brad Yourth (St. Petersburg College), Ming-Jyh Tsai (蔡明志, Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taiwan), Kristian Recio (UT Brownsville), Ruby Vazquez (Northeastern Illinois University), Albert E. Glock, Jr. (University of Colorado at Colorado Srpings), Speh Dani (JKU Linz), Tareq Si Salem, Jameson Morgan (Wright State University), Roya Javadi (Sharif University of Technology), Calvin Scott, Neal Messer (Indiana University of Pennsylvania), Margaret Roemer (University of Wisconsin–Madison), Kevin Weming Zhao (Northwest University, China), Dave Gibson (Valdosta State University), Chen Jin (University of Southern California), Ric Webster (DuPage, Illinois), Lloyd Smith (Darton College, Albany, Georgia), Larry Thomas (Univ. of Toledo), Joseph DiNatale III (Armstrong State University), Brooke Weborg (Univ. of Toledo), Lloyd Smith (Darton College, Georgia), Stoyan Vrazhalov (Bulgaria), Prem Kumar (NW Missouri), Omar Alsaleh (King Saud University), Kelvin van Eijk (University of Amsterdam), Worawit Lalit (Thailand), Ed Orejel (California State University, Los Angeles), Sheung Hung Poon from Brunei (School of Computing and Informatics Institut Teknologi Brunei Brunei Darulssalam), Kavin-Lee (China), Zubair Muhammad (Pakistan), Jordan Rogers (Armstrong State University), Sasha Kachanov (Elmhurst College), Levent Divilioglu (Istanbul Technical University), Jonathan S. Weissman (Finger Lakes Community College), Rick Upton (University of Santa Cruz Silicon Valley Extension), Chuankai Zhou (Humber college Ontario Canada), Bob Perry (Duke University) Andrii Petrychak (Fjordane University College, Norway), Dani Speh (JKU Linz, Austria), Jharyd Marhkain (Australia), Dave Slate (U. of Illinois), Michelle Ming (University of South Florida), Alberto Alfaro (National Autonomous University of Mexico), Abdul Quadir, Rob Swenson, William Bahn (University of Colorado, Colorado Springs), Robert Findlay (CoreLogic), Joe Margevicius (Foothill Community College), Al Davis, Basheer Mohamed Haroon (National University of Singapore).

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